Project Title: ASMED - Exchange of experiences in the Mediterranean region - from Italy to the Shouf

Project Acronym (SWAT): ASMED

Partners: Association - ILEX Association – LEAFLAB Association – Istituto OIKOS -Municipality of Fontecchio

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation AICS - ROME  

Objectives: Transfer successful practices to Lebanon, especially those related to water such as the River Basin Management Plan, River Contract, Forest Model, sustainable agriculture and production development.

The activities:

• Building the capacities of stakeholders through participatory planning on the structure of water basin management and developing the white paper for River basin management (River Convention).

• Building the capacity of stakeholders involved in forest management on the concept of Model Forest.

• Training to stakeholders related to agriculture towards sustainable practices and shortening the route of production to reach the final consumer (shortening the value chain).

• Implementation of some interventions related to water and forests (restoration of mountain ponds - solutions for water quality - heating methods using the biomass resulting from forest clearing.

• Support for a group of farmers.

• Organizing an experience exchange program between Lebanon and Italy.

• Organizing meetings and training sessions for stakeholders of all categories.Duration: 36 months: July 2021 - June 2024
Extended until June 2025