A holistic program that is based on four interrelated pillars: agricultural production, animal production, product transformation or post-harvesting, and agritourism. It is based on experience, scientific research, and traditional knowledge.
The agricultural lands in the vicinity of the reserve are famous for the presence of agricultural terraces and their dry-stone walls contribute significantly to water conservation and the creation of habitats for beneficial insects and plants, hence, to increasing biodiversity.
In full partnership with the land owners and the local municipalities, these terraces are restored, and planted with endemic, economically beneficial and climate change resilient species. Animal production provides animal remains (dung) to be used as organic fertilizer in the lands, and yield some basic products such as milk, eggs, and meat which are of high nutritional and economic value.
links all these services and businesses with agricultural tourism, i.e. introducing some tourism services to individual agricultural projects in order to achieve economic integration, increase the sources of income and sell the products at the farm level. On the other hand, it links the farmers to the local markets, directly with businesses or with consumers through the farmer markets.