Forest and Landscape Restoration

In 2012 SBR joined an innovative international initiative known as “Mediterranean Mosaics” project, whose goal was to build the resilience of Mediterranean rural biodiversity-rich landscapes to global change, through the identification and implementation of adaptation measures influencing land management, markets, and policy/governance frameworks.

The program involved since its very start all the main stakeholder groups, including local municipalities, community members, especially farmers and small-medium size business in in the agro-forestry sector, and other concerned institutional and non-institutional stakeholders. The success of the program paved the way to a project implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture.

FLR Guidelines: after nearly ten years of implementation, and the very encouraging results, and the active participation of growing segments of the local community, the reserve decided to share this experience and published the first in English in 2018 and then an abridged version in Arabic and English in 2021 (available in Publications).