The Shouf Biosphere Reserve harbors a rich flora with about 1054 species of plants.

Many of these plants are medicinal, some are edible, and others are aromatic. The Reserve is home to internationally and nationally threatened plants; plants endemic to Lebanon or the Syria/Lebanon/Turkey area; rare plants: and plants that are restricted to the Eastern Mediterranean or Middle East area.

Aceraceae Acer tauricolum Boiss. and Bal. Taurus maple Erable du Taurus

Distribution: East Mediterranean Region.

Range in Lebanon: 1000-1900 m above sea level

Flowering time: Spring

Ericaceae Arbutus andrachne L. Oriental strawberry-tree Arbousier d’Orient

Distribution: Mediterranean Region and around Black Sea

Range in Lebanon: 500-1500m above sea level, woodlands

Flowering time: December – March

Pinaceae Cedrus libani L. Cedar of Lebanon Cèdre du Liban

Distribution: Lebanon, Syria, South Turkey

Range in Lebanon:1200-1900m above sea level

Main forests:Jaje, Tannourine Nature Reserve, Bcharre, Hadath El-Jebbeh, Ehden Nature Reserve, Donnieh, Swasseh, Karm-el Mohr, Karm-el Njass, Quammoua

Flowering time: Autumn

Cesalpiniaceae Cercis siliquastrum L. Judas tree Arbre – de – Judée

Distribution: South Europe, West Asia and Mediterranean

Region Range in Lebanon: 0 – 1200m above sea level

Flowering time: February – April

Rosaceae Crataegus monogyna Jacqu. One-styled hawthorn Aubépine à un style

Distribution: Europe, North Africa, West Asia and North West India

Range in Lebanon: 0-1300 m above sea level

Flowering time: March – May.

Rosaceae Crataegus azarolus L. Common azarole Azerolier

Distribution:South Europe, Turkey, Cyprus, Caucasus, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine

Range in Lebanon: 0-1600 m above sea level

Flowering time: March – May

Cupressaceae Juniperus excelsa M.B. Grecian juniper Genévrier élevé

Distribution: Balkan and Mediterranean Region

Range in Lebanon: 1500-2800m above sea level

Flowering time: Spring

Rosaceae Pirus syriaca Boiss. Syrian pear Poirier de Syrie

Distribution:Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan

Range in Lebanon: 400-1300m above sea level

Flowering time: February – May

Rosaceae Prunus ursina Ky. Bear plum Prunier des ours

Distribution:Turkey, Syria and Lebanon

Range in Lebanon: 0-2800m above sea level

Flowering time: March – May

Rosaceae Prunus korschinskii (Hand.-Mazz.) Bornm. Korshinsky’s almond Amandier de korshinsky

Distribution: Lebanon, Syria and Palestine

Range in Lebanon: 800-1400 m above sea level, rocks and mountains slopes

Flowering time: March – April

Fagaceae Quercus brantii, ssp. look (Ky) Mouterde Brant’s oak Chêne de Brant

Distribution: Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria and Lebanon (ssp. look is endemic to the reserve)

Range in Lebanon: 1400-1800m above sea level

Flowering time: April – May

Fagaceae Quercus calliprinos Webb. Kermes oak Chêne kermès

Distribution:Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine

Range in Lebanon: 0-1500m above sea level

Flowering time: February – April

Anacardiaceae Rhus coriaria L. Tanner’s sumach Sumac des corroyeurs

Distribution: South and Middle Europe, South Russia, Caucasus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine

Range in Lebanon: 0-1600m above sea level

Flowering time: April – June

Fagaceae Quercus infectoria Oliv. Cyprus oak Chêne tinctorial

Distribution: Mediterranean Region

Range in Lebanon: 500-1500m above sea level

Flowering time: March – April

Rosaceae Sorbus flabellifolia (Spach) C.K.Schneider Fan–leaved service tree Sorbier à feuilles en éventail

Distribution: Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Iran

Range in Lebanon: 1300-1800m above sea level

Flowering time: March – June