The region contains 31 species of reptile and Amphibians, including chameleon, tortoise, and several species of snakes, lizards, frogs, and toads

Viperidae: The vipers are represented in Lebanon by 3 species found in various locations and altitudes. All these snakes are venomous and their bites may cause death. They become normally active at the end of the day and through the night. At high altitudes, they are active during the day especially early and late in their activity and breeding season.

Salamandridae Salamandra infraimmaculata infraimmaculata Fire Salamander Salamandre de fer Arouset Al-Ain

Adult size (approx.):20cm

Status: abundant

Habitat: damp woodland with aquatic habitats, 0 – 1500m

Observation: evening, at night or when it rains

Bufonidae Buo cf. bufo Common European toad Crapaud Commun Oljoum

Adult size (approx.): 12 cm

Status: fragmented distribution

Habitat: Rocky river banks.400-1000m

Observation: Mostly at night, occasionally daytime

Bufonidae Bufo viridis Green toad Crapaud vert Oljoum Akhdar

Adult size (approx.): 10cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: Aquatic, moist habitat, 0-2100m

Observation: Most of the year, except in cold months, especially at night

Hylidae Hyla savignyi Middle East tree frog Rainette verte Dafdaa el shajar

Adult size 3-5 cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: varied, most often near water

Observation: day time, most of the year except the coldest months

Colubridae Eirenis levantinus Levant Snake Couleuvre Barsha

Adult size (approx.): 60-75 cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: Varied, 0-1500m

Observation: Day

Chamaeleonidae Chamaeleo chamaeleon Mediterranean Chameleon Chameleon Herbaya

Adult size (approx.): 20 cm

Status: Few. (Globally endangered species)

Habitat: Woodland (on trees), 0-1300m

Observation: Day, in warm seasons

Colubridae Elaphe sauromates Barouk rat snake Serpent de barouk Hanash Al-Barouk

Adult size (approx.):150cm

Status: Limited local distribution

Habitat: Shrubland, Forest, 1400m – 1800m

Observation: Day

Lacertidae Phoenicolacertakulzeri Mount Lebanon Rock Lizard Lézard des murailles Saqqaya Jabaliyyeh

Adult size (approx.): 10-15 cm

Status: Abundant at high altitudes (Globally threatened species) Endemic species Habitat: Rocky slopes and plateaus, trees (cedars), 1400-2100m Observation: Day

Agamidae Laudakia stellio stellio Agama Agame Hardun

Adult size (approx.): 20-22 cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: Rocky areas, woodlands, 0-2000m

Observation: Warm sunny days

Lacertidae Phoenicolacerta laevis Common wall lizard Lézard des murailles Saqqaya, Shimmaysse

Adult size (approx.): 6-8 cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: Moist habitats, Walls, trees, rocks, 0-1450 m

Observation: day

Colubridae Macrovipera lebetina Levant viper Vipère Afaa

Adult size (approx.): 200cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: Woodlands and shrublands, 0-1300m

Observation: day/night depending on season

Colubridae Malpolon monspessulanus Montpellier Snake Couleuvre de Montpelier Hanash Ahmar

Adult size (approx.): 180cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: Sunny shrub land and open fields, 0 – 1600m

Observation: Day

Colubridae Natrix tessellate tessellata Water snake Couleuvre tessele Hayyet May

Adult size (approx.):150 cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: Ponds, marshes, rivers, 0-1500m

Observation: Day

Viperidae Montivipera bornmuelleri Lebanon Mountain Viper Vipère du Mont Liban Afaa Al-Jabal

Adult size (approx.): 60 cm

Status: Endemic; Abundant at high altitudes (Globally threatened species) Habitat: Rocky and mountain vegetation (Jord), 1500-2000m

Observation: Day

Lacertidae Ophisops elegans Snake – eyed lizard Lézard à oeil de serpent Shemmaysse

Adult size (approx.): 15 cm

Status: Abundant

Habitat: Dry shrub and open woodland, 0 – 1500 m

Observation: Day